GPA: Fall Golf Tournament
Golf 2 – Red Hawk Ridge SEPTEMBER 29 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Golf 2 – Red Hawk Ridge SEPTEMBER 29 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Our sixth Annual Luncheon & Scholarship Awards will be held on Friday, September 29th at the Four Seasons Denver! This year's event features four women in energy, each of whom will tell a personal story around our chapter's theme of "Fuel Your Passion." Moderated by Jessica Blackstock, our storytellers include: Elaine Carleton, Carleton Gotlin Law […]
ON THE ROCKS PRESENTS GOLDEN GEOHISTORY BICYCLE TOUR October 1, 2023 Trip Leader: Dr. Donna Anderson Have you ever wondered how the landscape around the City of Golden came to be? Why are North and South Table Mountains so flat? What’s up with all those rock fins on the back-nine at Fossil Trace Golf Course? […]
RMAG WOMEN'S GROUP COFFEE You're invited to a drop-in coffee to connect with the awesome ladies of RMAG! This is a recurring monthly coffee so if you can't make it this month, see you next month! Much like a happy hour, attendees are able to pass freely from conversation to conversation, connecting with other members […]
JOIN US FOR A HYBRID LUNCH IN OCTOBER. SIGN UP FOR IN-PERSON OR ONLINE OPTIONS ABOVE. Talk Title: Effects of variation in mechanical rock properties on fracture type and gradient Speaker: Elizabeth S Petrie, Western Colorado University Fluid cycling and fracture permeability in the brittle crust is important to groundwater flow, waste storage, dissemination of minerals and the […]
"Are Siliciclastic Parasequences still relevant?" 9-12 October 2023, Green River, Utah, USA Conveners: Howard Feldman, Bruce Ainsworth, Luca Colombera & Rebecca Caldwell. Field Trip Leader: Janok Bhattacharya REGISTRATION IS CLOSED A LETTER TO ALL ATTENDEES WITH CONFERENCE DETAILS WILL BE SENT OUT SOON Preliminary Program Posted Download - Preliminary program_Aug03.pdf **SEPM student members presenting may apply […]
YPE DEN Talk – October 2023 Join us for our October DEN Talk on October 12th, details coming in early October. Beers provided.
RMAG SHORT COURSE OIL AND GAS PROPERTY VALUTATION INSTRUCTOR: NICHOLAS KERNAN, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR October 24, 2023 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Denver Earth Resources Library, 730 17th St, B1 Denver CO 80202 About this course: The valuation of oil and gas properties is one of the most important skills within the energy sector. […]
Saturday, November 4, 2023 5:30 PM - 11:00 PM Sheraton Denver Downtown Denver, CO The Wildcatter of the Year Award is presented annually to an individual in recognition of their contribution to the industry and service to the community and, in so doing, bringing credit to the independent petroleum producers in the West. Click here for a complete […]
ROCKIES EXPO ROCKIES ASSET SHOW NOVEMBER 9, 2023 Attendee Registration will open September 5 Register interest in an exhibitor booth here. We have spots available for prospects, minerals, operators, and vendors. SCHEDULE 8am-9am: Exhibitor Set-up 9am-4pm: Exhibits Open 4pm-5pm: Roundtable Discussion Featuring Trisha Curtis with PetroNerds, Chris Atherton with EnergyNet, and a DJ operator 5pm- […]